The Chevron Group no 50º aniversário do BRDC Club House
Barrie Smith, na página da Chevron relembra-nos pilotos que por cá passaram nos anos sessenta e setenta e que em Agosto de 2006 se reuniram no 50 th aniversário do BRDC Club House.
“The Chevron Group. Taken in August 2006. A few of these guys were not at the 50th Anniversary lunch at the BRDC Club house. I for one did not get an invite ! So I had no hesitation of posting this photo again lest anyone might be over looked . L-R Standing: James Tangy, Peter Crossley,ian Ian Skailles, Peter Smith, Barrie Smith, David Welpton. Seated L-R: John Burton, Paul Vestey, Johnny Blades, Paul Ridgway. There are a couple of Chevron stars who are not in the picture : Brian Redman, Chris Craft and Digby Martland, Ian Harrower, Peter Taggart, Tony Beeson come to mind. Of course there are others who are sadly no longer with us”
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. The Chevron Group no 50º ...