Sexta-feira, 30 de Setembro de 2016

Imola ETCC

Imola ETCC 

Foto de Fábio Mota.

No próximo fim-de-semana estamos de regresso às corridas… Desta feita será o histórico circuito de Imola o palco…

Next weekend we will be returning to racing… This time the historic circuito of Imola will be the venue…

FIA ETCC #KeepFighting #WorkingHard #2016Season #ETCC Lema Racing





 11h35 e 12h35 no Eurosport 2.




Para que não se esqueçam, aqui ficam os horários das corridas de amanhã, que podem ser seguidas em directo no Eurosport 2 e no website oficial do FIA ETCC:

So you can’t miss it, you can find below tomorrow’s races schedules, that can be followed at Eurosport 2 and at the FIA ETCC official website:

Hora Poruguesa/GMT+1
Corrida 1/Race 1 – 11 voltas/laps: 11h35

Corrida 1/Race 2 – 11 voltas/laps: 12h35
FIA ETCC #KeepFighting #WorkingHard #2016Season #ETCC Lema Racing

Foto de Fábio Mota.





publicado por dinis às 23:32
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Petit Le Mans- Road Atlanta

 Petit Le Mans- Road Atlanta 

 Campeonato IMSA e da Taça Norte-Americana de Endurance


Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

Este fim‑de‑semana vou estar em cima do João Barbosa e do Cristian Fittipaldi para os ajudar a ganhar o campeonato!
@imsaracing @ax_racing #PetitLeMans @#car5 @corvette_motorsport#DP
This weekend i will be on top of my teammates to help them get the championship.


Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

Esta corrida vai entrar para a história como a última corrida que estes DPs correram.
Vamos sentir a falta deles.
Feliz por os ter guiado.
@imsa_racing @corvette_motorsport #DP #musclercar #600hp
This will go to the history books as the last race this cars raced. We will miss them. Happy that i drove them.


Filipe Albuquerque


Petit Le Mans é última prova do Campeonato IMSA e da Taça Norte-Americana de Endurance. Filipe Albuquerque junta-se a João Barbosa e Christian Fittipaldi para ao volante do Corvette DP da Action Express Racing se poderem tornar tricampeões nas duas competições, tal como aconteceu em 2014 e 2015


Petit Le Mans – Road Atlanta

European Time
5:15 pm -6:15 pm: Practice #1 – IMSA (All Classes)
9:25 pm – 10:25 pm: Practice #2 – IMSA (All Classes)
1:30 am – 3:00 am: Practice #3 – IMSA (All Classes)

FRIDAY, SEPT 30, 2016
4:15 pm – 5:15 pm: Practice #4 – IMSA (All Classes)
9:55 pm – 10:10 pm: Qualifying – IMSA (GTLM)

2:40 pm – 3:00 pm: Warm Up – IMSA (All Classes)
5:10 pm – 3:10 am: Race – Petit Le Mans

US Time
11:15 am -12:15 pm: Practice #1 – IMSA (All Classes)
3:25 pm – 4:25 pm: Practice #2 – IMSA (All Classes)
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm: Practice #3 – IMSA (All Classes)

FRIDAY, SEPT 30, 2016
10:15 am -11:15 am: Practice #4 – IMSA (All Classes)
3:55 pm – 4:10 pm: Qualifying – IMSA (GTLM)

8:40 am – 9:00 am: Warm Up – IMSA (All Classes)
11:10 am – 9:10 pm: Race – Petit Le Mans


Friday, September 30
3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Live) (IMSA App)

Saturday, October 1
11:00 a.m.: FOX Sports 1
12:00 p.m.:
2:00 p.m.: FOX Sports 2
7:30 p.m.: FOX Sports 2
8:00 p.m.: IMSAtv and the IMSA mobile app will feature live streaming coverage of qualifying sessions and any live endurance racing action that is not being carried live by FOX Sports.


É fim de semana de campeonato!
O campeonato vai ser decidido este Sábado!
Estamos apenas 1 ponto atrás do líder!
Vai ser 10 horas de nervos... Até à bandeira de xadrez!
Vamos, como o costume, dar o máximo e tentar ganhar o 3º campeonato consecutivo!

Esta corrida marca tb o fim de uma era, é o "fim de vida" para os Daytona Protótipos, que agora se vão reformar! 😊
Vou sentir falta destes grandes protótipos, mas também ansioso em receber os novos DPi's! 😊😊

It's championship weekend!
IMSA championship will be decided on Saturday, we are 1 point behind the leaders so anything can happen until the race ends!
But for sure we are going to push really hard to try and win our 3rd straight championship!

This is also marks the end of an era, it's the end for the Daytona Prototypes that can now go into retirement! 😊
I will miss them but I'm also excited to welcome the new DPi cars! 😊😊


 Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

Hoje há o treino livre 4 e os cronometrados, vai ser o @fittigram a qualificar às 16h45 (hora local)
@imsa_racing @ax_racing #petitLeMans @carlzeisslenses photo de @josemariodias
Today its FP4 and qualify with Christian taking the wheel in quali at 16h45


A ver em:



SportsCar: Fittipaldi e Barbosa largam em 5º nas 10H de Petit Le Mans em busca do tricampeonato

Pilotos do Mustang Sampling Chevrolet Corvette também contarão com o português Filipe Albuquerque na prova decisiva deste sábado em Road Atlanta

Definido o grid de largada para a décima e última etapa da temporada 2016 do IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship. Atuais bicampeões e em busca do tricampeonato, o brasileiro Christian Fittipaldi e o português João Barbosa, da equipe Action Express Racing, conquistaram a quinta colocação na tomada de tempos desta sexta-feira (dia 30) em Road Atlanta (EUA).

A dupla também contará com o português Filipe Albuquerque - que já dividiu o #5 Mustang Sampling Chevrolet Corvette nas 24 Horas de Daytona e 12 Horas de Sebring - nas 10 Horas de Petit Le Mans, que terão sua largada às 12h10 (de Brasília) deste sábado (1º de outubro).

A pole position ficou com o trio Oswaldo Negri Jr., Olivier Pla e John Pew, que correm com um P2 e registraram o tempo de 1min13s061. Os líderes Dane Cameron e Eric Curran, companheiros de Fittipaldi e Barbosa e que têm apenas um ponto de vantagem sobre a dupla bicampeã na classificação, ficaram em terceiro lugar no grid. A decisão promete muita emoção no traçado de 2,54 milhas (aproximadamente 4,1 km).

O brasileiro Christian Fittipaldi segue animado e confiante para a etapa. Nos dois últimos anos, a dupla conquistou seus títulos em Road Atlanta subindo ao pódio (segundo em 2014 e primeiro em 2015).

"Acho que poderíamos ter conseguido largar em terceiro, mas o mais importante é que o carro está bom. Os dois carros da equipe foram os DPs mais rápidos e amanhã temos 10 horas pela frente", comentou o brasileiro que subiu sete vezes ao pódio este ano.

"Eu estaria mais preocupado se estivesse largando em quinto numa corrida de rua de 1h45 de duração, mas com 10 horas de prova muita coisa pode acontecer. Claro que é bom estar largando na frente, mas o lugar que você larga não faz tanta diferença numa prova longa como esta", continuou Fittipaldi.

"Estamos animados, o carro está bem melhor do que esteve na última etapa em Austin. Ontem, simulamos situações de corrida e andamos bem. Agora é trabalhar forte e buscar mais este título amanhã", completou.

Além do título do IMSA, Fittipaldi e Barbosa também lutam pelo bicampeonato no Campeonato Norte-americano de Endurance, que inclui as quatro provas de longa duração da temporada. Numa delas, as 6 Horas de Watkins Glen, a dupla foi a vencedora.

Veja os melhores no grid em Road Atlanta (Top-8):
1 P J. Pew / O. Negri Jr. / O. Pla (Michael Shank Racing Honda HPD Ligier JS P2) 1:13.061
2 T. Nunez / J. Bomarito / S. Pigot (Mazda Motorsports Mazda Prototype) 1:13.520
3 E. Curran / D. Cameron / S. Pagenaud (Action Express Racing Chevrolet Corvette DP) 1:13.903
4 T. Long / J. Miller / S. Pigot (Mazda Motorsports Mazda Prototype) 1:14.061
5 J. Barbosa / C. Fittipaldi / F. Albuquerque (Action Express Racing Chevrolet Corvette DP) 1:14.160
6 R. Dalziel / M. Goossens / R. Hunter-Reay (VisitFlorida Racing Chevrolet Corvette DP) 1:14.276
7 S. Sharp / L. Derani / J. van Overbeek (Tequila Patron ESM Honda HPD Ligier JS P2) 1:14.360
8 K. Legge / S. Rayhall / A. Meyrick (Panoz DeltaWing Racing DeltaWing DWC13) 1:14.446

Confira a classificação da temporada 2016:



Fernanda Gonçalves / Beatriz de Paula /
Tel. +55 11 4116.5509



É dia de corrida!!
Início às 16:10 em Portugal
Campeonato vai ser decidido no final da corrida de 10h, esperemos que seja... BEM decidido, vamos tentar o Tri!! 😊😊😊

And it's race day!
Starts at 11:10am ET
Championship will be decided at the end of the 10h race!
We are going to push hard for the 3rd championship in a row!! 😊😊😊

 Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

É dia de corrida!!! O que é que estão a espera?!? Começa as 16h10 hora portuguesa. Vejam tudo em:
@imsa_racing @ax_racing @corvette_motorsport #zeissdrivesafe
Its race day, what are you waiting for?!? It starts at 11h10 @

 Foto de Jan Magnussen.

8 timer 22 min igen: Uheldigt dækvalg. Bilen pitter igen og Jan hopper ind. Nu skal det tabte hentes ind. (PR)




 Foto de Jan Magnussen.


OBS! Danske fans kan følge Jan Magnussen og Corvette C7.R #3 live på FOX Sports samt via live-streaming af kvalifikation og løb på

Lørdag 1. oktober
08.40 (14.40 dansk tid) — Warmup
11.10 (17.10 dansk tid) — RACE (10 timer)

Le Petit Le Mans 17h00 ici
That moment when you know you jump out of the car as the champion of 2016! AMAZING JOB by @alessandro_balzan and everyone at @scuderiacorsaferrari - now pushing for the final result of the season 🚗💨❤️🇩🇰🇺🇸🇮🇹 #Champs#StillPushing #MemoriesForLife#ADayToRemember #TeamWorkMakesDreamWork#HappyKiddo
 João Barbosa e Christian Fittipaldi ficam com o vice-campeonato.depois de um furo que custou duas voltas e o terceiro título. 

Infelizmente as corridas são mesmo assim, e desta vez o azar esteve ao nosso lado!
2 furos que nos fizeram perder uma volta enquanto estávamos na luta pelo campeonato e a quase ausência de bandeiras amarelas na 2ª metade da corrida fez com que fosse impossível reduzir a desvantagem, terminando a corrida no 5º lugar final.
Conseguimos manter o 2º lugar no campeonato IMSA.
Mas nem tudo foi negativo!
Ganhamos o campeonato North American Endurance Championship, composto pelas 4 principais corridas do campeonato, pelo 3º ano consecutivo.
Obrigado à equipa Action Express Racing pelo excelente trabalho feito este ano!
Agora é tempo de virar a página e começar já a pensar em 2017!
Parabéns aos vencedores deste ano Dane Cameron e Eric Curran!!

It was a tough race for us this weekend but that's racing, not always goes our way.
2 flat tires made us go down 1 lap and the lack of yellow flags in the 2nd half of the race made it impossible to recover finishing in 5th place. Very frustrating and disappointing.
But, not everything was negative.
We won the North American Endurance Championship for the 3 time in a row.
Thank you Action Express Racing for the amazing work this year!
Now, time to move on and start thinking about 2017! It should be exciting!
Congratulations to Dane Cameron and Eric Curran on this years championship!


Foi um prazer correr num carro onde só se fala português:) Obrigado João e Christian! E parabéns pelo titulo (NAEC)
@ax_racing @imsa_racing @corvette_motorsport #dp @fittigram#JoaoBarbosa
It was a pleasure to be driving with you guys! Congrats for another tittle on the NAEC 👍🏻

Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

publicado por dinis às 22:15
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Blancpain Sprint Cup - Barcelona

Blancpain Sprint Cup - Barcelona


Amanhã começa o fim-de-semana de Barcelona – o último da temporada do Blancpain Sprint Cup.
Como todos sabem, esta competição é fortíssima, com muitas equipas apoiadas oficialmente e muitos pilotos de fábrica, mas eu o Rob temos estado na luta pelas melhores posições ao comandos do McLaren 650S da Garage 59.
Amanhã teremos os treinos-livres e a qualificação e vamos lutar para garantir bons resultados.
Conto com o vosso apoio… ;)

Tomorrow starts the Barcelona weekend – the last one of the Blancpain Sprint Cup season.
As you know, this series is very strong, with many teams officially supported and many factory drivers, but we – I and Rob – have been in the fight for the top position in the Garage 59’s McLaren 650S.
Tomorrow we will have the practice session and the Qualifying and we will fight hard for good results.
I’m looking forward to your support… ;)

#GoingHard #McLarenGT #650S #BelieveInMcLaren #2016Season #BGT#BlancpainGT BLANCPAIN GT SERIES Garage 59 McLaren GT


Foto de Álvaro Parente.

Álvaro Parente



 Foto de Álvaro Parente.

Foi uma qualificação difícil, mas conseguimos um bom resultado.
O plantel está muito junto e o nosso carro está um pouco instável. Dei o máximo.
Amanhã vamos dar o nosso melhor, a gestão de pneus será muito importante, assim como as paragens nas boxes, e vamos lutar por bons resultados.
A primeira corrida de amanhã começa às 8h15 e a segunda às 13h10 e ambas podem ser seguidas em directo no seguinte link:

Obrigado pelo vosso apoio. :)

It was a tough qualifying, but we achieved a good result.
The field is very tight and our car is a bit unstable. I gave the maximum.
Tomorrow we will give our best, the tyre management will be very important, as the pit-stops, and we will fight hard for good results.
Tomorrow first race starts at 8h15 (GMT+1) and second at 13h10 and can be followed in the link:

#GoingHard #McLarenGT #650S #BelieveInMcLaren #2016Season #BGT#BlancpainGT BLANCPAIN GT SERIESES Garage 59 McLaren GT


  De manhã cedo :-) lá vamos nós para a primeira corrida do dia







BLANCPAIN GT SERIES álbum:Barcelona - Saturday.

 As corridas são transmitidas em, no domingo, às 8h15 e 13h10



You missed the qualifying race this morning at Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya ?
Enjoy the highlights.




P16 & P13
Foi um dia difícil!
Fui penalizado com um drive-through por evitar um incidente na primeira curva da Corrida de Qualificação e isso comprometeu ambas as corridas…
Não era assim que queríamos terminar a temporada do Blancpain…

P16 & P13
Hard day!
I was penalized with a drive through for avoiding an incident in the first corner in the Qualifying Race and that compromised both races….
It wasn’t this way we wanted to end the Blancpain season…

#GoingHard #McLarenGT #650S #BelieveInMcLaren #2016Season #BGT#BlancpainGT BLANCPAIN GT SERIES Garage 59 McLaren GT

Foto de Álvaro Parente.



publicado por dinis às 22:03
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Quinta-feira, 29 de Setembro de 2016

Lotus 69 F - Fórmula Ford - Ernesto Neves 1971

Lotus 69 F - Fórmula Ford - Ernesto Neves 1971

O Lotus 69 de Ernesto Neves e como qual venceu a prova de Vila Real, está de volta com as cores da Lotus depois de ter sido restaurado na American Dream por Tiago Silva



American Dream by Tiago Silva 




publicado por dinis às 22:22
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Domingo, 25 de Setembro de 2016

XXXIV Passeio Mercedes-Benz parte 2

XXXIV Passeio Mercedes-Benz parte 2

Sem clássico e no Clássico a ver os Mercedes – Benz participantes no XXXIV Passeio Mercedes-Benz organizado pelo Clube Português de Automóveis Antigos

XXXIV Passeio Mercedes-Benz  (39).jpgXXXIV Passeio Mercedes-Benz  (41).jpg

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XXXIV Passeio Mercedes-Benz  (72).jpg


publicado por dinis às 19:11
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DTM Budapest


DTM Budapest 


Adaptei-me muito bem ao DTM, obtive logo na minha estreia um dos melhores resultados de qualificação de sempre de um rookie e tive grandes momentos no DTM, com uma vitória como ponto mais alto, mas também pole positions e alguns pódios. Gostei muito de trabalhar com os meus companheiros de equipa, juntos conquistámos um título de marcas e estamos na luta por outro este ano. No entanto sinto que este campeonato exige uma dedicação de 100% do meu tempo e em conjunto com a minha equipa de management decidimos colocar todos os meus esforços na FIA Formula E e num futuro projecto Internacional da BMW, que me deixa muito orgulhoso por fazer parte e que vai também exigir muito do meu tempo. Estou obviamente muito contente por continuar como piloto oficial da família BMW! Por agora ainda temos quatro corridas este ano, duas este fim de semana aqui em Budapeste, por isso vamos atacar e trazer o título para Munique!

I’m extremely happy to have represented BMW in the DTM for the last three seasons in a championship that is super competitive and requires a lot of skill. I felt extremely confident from the word go in 2014 where I had one of the best qualifying results ever for a rookie. I have had a lot of good times in the DTM, with a pole position and race victories, and have enjoyed it massively working with my team-mates. However, this championship requires full-time focus, so I have decided to put all my efforts into Formula E with Andretti Autosport and am happy to be part of a future International project for BMW, which is making me very excited and will require a lot of my time, too. I am really looking forward to the new experiences, am happy with my decision, but am also obviously very happy to be continuing as a BMW works driver. For now there are still 4 races to go here in DTM and it´s time to attack here in Budapest and bring this manufacturers title to Munich.

Foto de Antonio Felix da Costa.


Every detail counts here in DTM... Not a good day for BMW Motorsport but we will come back stronger tomorrow to fight!

As diferenças aqui no DTM são mesmo ao milésimo... Não foi um bom dia para a BMW mas amanhã temos a 2ª corrida e vamos trabalhar para voltarmos fortes e lutar pelos lugares da frente! #AFDAC13#NEVERGIVEUP #BMWMPOWER

Foto de Antonio Felix da Costa.


De 12º na grelha para 5º! Estou contente com o meu dia, mostramos que quando tudo está bem com o carro conseguimos ser competitivos e lutar no braço com qualquer piloto desta grelha! Ainda assim perdemos a liderança do campeonato de marcas para a Audi, vai-se decidir tudo na última corrida em Hockenheim, onde também me vou despedir do DTM!

From 12th on the grid to 5th! I am happy with my day, we showed that when the car is good we can be competitive and fight! For us BMW not so good weekend as we lost the manufacturers championship lead to Audi. Two races to the end so for Hockenheim we have only one aim, one goal: to get this title to Munich! It will also be my last race in DTM! #AFDAC13#BMWMPOWER

Foto de Antonio Felix da Costa.

After some post race disqualifications I ended up P3. I am sorry for my team mate Marco Wittmann to lose his points. All of us BMW drivers we go to Hockenheim to fight and push Marco to get the drivers title and also the manufacturers to Munich. Cheers to all the Hungarian fans for showing up today. I enjoyed every single lap of my race #AFDAC13 | DTM | BMW Motorsport

Houve duas desclassificações na corrida de hoje e acabei por subir a 3º, portanto significa um pódio! Agora vamos para a última corrida em Hockenheim lutar, dar tudo e ajudar o Wittmann a ganhar o campeonato de pilotos e a BMW a ganhar o de titulo de marcas! #BMWFAMILY

Foto de Antonio Felix da Costa.


publicado por dinis às 17:21
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4 Heures de Spa-Francorchamps


4 Heures de Spa-Francorchamps


Good Morning from a cold but sunny Spa

Algarve Pro Racing Team

Les 4 Heures de Spa-Francorchamps em direto a partir das 14 horas 




publicado por dinis às 12:02
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Circuito Internacional de Xangai.

Race Internacional of Xina - Xangai

Circuito Internacional de Xangai.

2016 WTCC Shanghai - China

2016 EVENT: Race of China TRACK: Shanghai International Circuit TEAM: Castrol Honda World Touring Car Team CAR: Honda Civic wtccDRIVER: Rob Huff, Norbert Michelisz and Tiago Monteiro


 A front-row start for Honda for Sunday's opening race courtesy of Michelisz Norbert, plus ninth on the main race grid and victory in MAC3 too for the sixth time in 2016. A challenging qualifying session for Tiago Monteiro andRob Huff, who just missed out on Q2 in traffic and start 14th and 15th for each of the races.



Honda ended Saturday at FIA WTCC Race of China on a high note with victory in Manufacturers Against the Clock (MAC3) at the Shanghai International Circuit.

The Japanese marque had a difficult qualifying session in China, but showed the value of great teamwork to claim a sixth win in the Tour de France-inspired team time trial competition.

Drivers Tiago Monteiro, Norbert Michelisz and Rob Huff outpaced the LADA trio of Hugo Valente, Gabriele Tarquini and Nicky Catsburg by 0.295 seconds around two laps of the Shanghai circuit from a standing start.

Citroën was unable to make an attempt in MAC3 after the car of Mehdi Bennani slowed on the warm-up lap with a throttle issue


Qualifying flash: López celebrates Citroën WTCC title* with China pole

 Jose Maria "Pechito" Lopez made sure that Citroën Racing provisionally clinched the FIA WTCC manufacturers’ title* in style with pole position for WTCC Race of China!

Sensational Main Race front row for LADA SPORT ROSNEFT and Catsburg in China

In the 10th round of the 2017 FIA WTCC Championship in Shanghai China today (24th September) LADA SPORT ROSNEFT delivered their best qualifying result since the front row lockout in Moscow with Nicky Catsburg just pipped to pole position in the dying moments of a tense Q3 by the Citroen of triple World Champion Jose Maria Lopez.

Running first in the Q3 TOP5 shootout, the Dutchman’s pace was nothing short of breathtaking as he pushed his Rosneft backed Lada Vesta to the limits in a near perfect lap to record a time of 1.49.500, the best time of the weekend and a very high benchmark for the others to chase.

In the end, Lopez had to work extremely hard trading fastest sector times until he edged the LADA SPORT ROSNEFT driver into P2 by just one tenth of a second.

It was a day of close calls as team mate Gabriele Tarquini just missed out on a Q3 appearance, his loss being Catsburgs gain as he came in P6 for two strong starting positions for tomorrows (25th September) races of the World Championship, whilst the luckless Hugo Valente finished in the dreaded P13 of Q.

Catsburg: “For the first time in my WTCC career I am disappointed to be in P2, I thought when I did the time it was good enough for pole position but I guess if I am going to be beaten by someone with a lap like I did it would be him (Lopez) I am worried a little bit about the races tomorrow but hopefully I will get two good starts and it will be ok”

Tarquini” We were very good today, car is quick and we made the others have to work hard.  I have two good starting positions so we can have a good chance in the races. I am pleased for Nicky even though he knocked me out of Q3!"

Team Principal Victor Shapovalov was also happy with the result for his team; “This is a good track for us so I expected a strong performance from the team, last year in qualifying we were P3 with Nicky so P2 is a step forward, Nicky did a nice lap”.

Tomorrows races take place at the Shanghai International Circuit, China in the FIA WTCC’s 10th round of the 2017 World Championship at 14.35 and 15.50 respectively and can be watched live on Eurosport or via the WTCC Premium TV Channel at

LADA SPORT ROSNEFT is a racing team, participating in the World Touring Car Championship since 2015 with specially designed LADA Vesta WTCC cars. The General Sponsor of the team is a global energy company Rosneft. Supporting the Russian team in the World Championship, Rosneft together with the leader of the Russian automotive industry – LADA – joined their efforts to promote Russian brands at the world markets. 


Second place for Michelisz Norbert and an eighth podium of the year in today's opening FIA WTCC race in China; a fantastic result after fending off his rivals until just a handful of corners from home. 🏆 Ninth and 10th for Rob Huff and Tiago Monteiro, both progressing nicely from 15th and 14th on the grid.

We push tomorrow. I want this so much!!! Tomorrow races live on Eurosportat 07:30 and 08:30. #tiagosworld18 #honda #thepowerofdreams

Amanhã é ataque sem medos. Quero muito este vice-campeonato!!! Amanhã as corridas dão em directo no Eurosport, a primeira às 07:30 e depois a segunda às 08:30! Vamos lutar!

Foto de Tiago Monteiro.


 A primeira vitória da Volvo no WTCC 


What a race! Winner: Thed Björk Bang-Melchior 🏆🎉🏁 First victory this season. Big bravo to Polestar Cyan Racing 👏🏼

P2. Michelisz Norbert
P3. Yvan Muller



Thed Björk Bang-Melchior claimed a dramatic maiden FIA WTCC victory, taking the lead two corners from the finish in his Volvo S60 Polestar TC1.

What was also a first WTCC win for Chinese-owned Volvo was part of a weekend of celebration, which began with Citroën Racing provisionally landing the WTCC Manufacturers’ crown for a third year in succession on Saturday and ended with Mehdi Bennani Officiel winning the WTCC Trophy title subject to final confirmation.


Fizemos o melhor que conseguimos hoje mas partindo de 14º ia sempre ser difícil, além da estranha falta de performance que tivemos aqui na China. Um 10º e um 8º lugares dão-nos alguns pontos mas não é o que queremos. Vamos trabalhar forte com a equipa para terminar a época em grande na última dupla corrida do ano! #tiagosworld18 | Honda Racing WTCC | FIA WTCC.

We did our best today but starting P14 was always going to be difficult adding this to our lack of pace here in China. P10 and P8 gave us some points but not what we want. We will work to come back stronger for the last double race of the year! Never give up!

Foto de Tiago Monteiro.
Tiago Monteiro


 Foto de Tiago Monteiro.

Still two races to go and we will not give up. Still possible to get Yvan so we will work hard and the word in Qatar will be one: ATTACK!

Ainda faltam duas corridas e apesar de estar muito difícil não vamos desistir, vamos lutar para chegar ao Yvan e ao vice-campeonato. No Qatar a palavra de ordem é uma: ATAQUE!


LADA SPORT ROSNEFT get back to the front in FIA WTCC Race of China

LADA SPORT ROSNEFT left the FIA WTCC Race of China in Shanghai today (25th September 2016) with a decent points haul after two competitive races once again pushing for the podium positions.

In the day’s Opening Race, Gabriele Tarquini got away well to run P3 in his Rosneft backed Lada Vesta whilst Catsburg and Valente were battling forward in the pack behind, improving well from there respective grid positions.

Whilst Tarquini was closing in to pass Chilton in the Citroen for P2 Catsburg had moved up to P6 and Valente doing a sensational recovery job had propelled his Vesta through the pack to run in P8. Eventually on lap 8 of the 15 lap race Tarquini fell foul of Chilton when trying to pass and was forced to retire with damage, his loss again being Catsburg’s gain as the Dutchman inherited two positions to run P4. Valente also benefiting to move into P6.

It remained this way until the final lap when Catsburg picked up debris from a collision between Bjork’s Volvo and Michelisz’s Honda allowing Lopez to push past on the final corner to snatch a place from the Dutchman.

The team eagerly anticipated the Main race as Catsburg would take up his front row position earned from his impressive qualifying performance. The start was not as was hoped for however as Catsburg slipped back into the clutches of the Citroens to run P4 on the conclusion of the first lap. Tarquini behind in P5 and Valente getting away less impressively in his second start to be battling down the field.

Nick Catsburg “I had a great qualifying but once again I fell victim to my race starts both in race 1 and the main race. Starting P2 I had the pace to win or at least be P2 but losing positions again off the line cost me. In the end P5 and P4 are good for points but I think it could have been so much better”

Gabriele Tarquini “It was disappointing not to finish the Opening Race after contact with Tom, if I had got past him I could have won I am sure, but making the pass we had some contact broke my wheel and that was it. In the Main race I couldn’t really push and held the Volvo’s behind me for a decent P5 behind Nicky”

Hugo Valente “I was very disappointed after the qualifying, it is really effecting my race results and I need to get on the pace quicker. We made some suspension changes after qualifying and I think it made the car much better. In the first race it was really satisfying to race to 6th  from P13 on the grid. I did some nice clean overtakes. Race 2 was a little disappointing as I got bogged down in a battle with Norbert (Michelisz) and Rob (Huff)  in the Hondas but didn’t have the car to compete to pass them”

With the penultimate round in Thailand seemingly in the balance the team now wait to reconvene in Qatar for what could prove to be the finale of LADA’s strongest WTCC season to date.

LADA SPORT ROSNEFT is a racing team, participating in the World Touring Car Championship since 2015 with specially designed LADA Vesta WTCC cars. The General Sponsor of the team is a global energy company Rosneft. Supporting the Russian team in the World Championship, Rosneft together with the leader of the Russian automotive industry – LADA – joined their efforts to promote Russian brands at the world markets. 


68 MULLER Yvan (fra) Citroen C Elysee team Citroen TOTAL WTCC action during the 2016 FIA WTCC World Touring Car Championship at Shanghai, China, September 23 to 25 - Photo Jean Michel Le Meur / DPPI




publicado por dinis às 00:40
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Sábado, 24 de Setembro de 2016

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari di Imola Campeonato Italiano de GT


Campeonato Italiano de GT

De volta ao Audi R8 LMS.
@audisportitalia #imola @audisport #AudiR8
Back to the beast, Audi R8 LMS

Filipe Albuquerque

 Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

É dia de corrida! Hoje vamos arrancar de 3.
@audisportitalia #ItalianGT #Imola @audisport
Its race day. Today we start from P3.


 Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.

Momento da nossa corrida. Um pequeno chega para lá... Acabámos em 4. Amanhã tentamos ganhar outra vez.
@audisport @audisportitalia #ItalianGT #Imola #zeissdrivesafe
The highlight of the race, a little push at Rivazza. We finish P4. We try to win again tomorrow.

 Foto de Filipe Albuquerque.


De 4 para 2! Hoje era impossivel ganhar bem andámos no nosso limite e mais um bocado... ☺️
@audisportitalia #italianGT #Imola @audisport @carlzeisslenses
From P4 to P2. Today was impossible for us to win. We drove in our limit and little bit beyond ☺️












publicado por dinis às 23:33
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Circuito de SPA Renault Sport Trophy

Circuito de SPA Renault Sport Trophy 

Foto de Miguel Ramos Sport.

No próximo fim-de-semana disputarei no circuito de SPA (Bélgica) a 5ª e penúltima ronda do Renault Sport Trophy, ao volante do Renault RS01 #19 da Equipe Verschuur.

Na anterior prova em Paul Ricard subi ao Pódio por duas vezes com dois 3º’s. Ainda que tenham sido muito difíceis de conquistar, a equipa esteve impecável pois tivemos um RS01 fantástico. De qualquer modo o reverso da medalha é novamente o handicap.
Desta vez são 50kg que nos provocarão nova procura no sentido deencontrar o melhor equilíbrio possível.

A quinta prova do Renault Sports Trophy 2016, está inserida num programa que também inclui mais uma corrida do ELMS 2016 as “4 Hours of SPA-Francorchamps”. As corridas podem ser seguidas online

TIMETABLE C.E.T. (-1 Portugal)
Sábado 24 de setembro
09:00 – 09:20 Qualificação 1 PRO
12:45 – 13:05 Qualificação 2 AM
15:50 – 17:05 Race 1 ( 70’ + 1 lap )
Domingo 25 de setembro
09:50 – 10:20 Race 2 “Sprint AM” ( 25’ + 1 lap )
12:15 – 12:45 Race 3 “Sprint PRO” ( 25’ + 1 lap )

Calendário 2016
Motorland Aragon 15-17 de abril
Imola 13-15 de maio
Red Bull Ring 15-17 de junho
Paul Ricard 26-28 de agosto
Spa 23-25 de setembro
Estoril 21-23 de outubro

Miguel Ramos Sport

Terceiro hoje na qualificação com a Renault Rs01. muito divertido. Eu tinha um monte de trânsito. Eu tive de ultrapassar dois carros a 260 km / h.
Confira os vídeos.


 Na primeira volta da 1º corrida do Renault Trophy



Great weekend.
Third in the qualifying.
We won the Endurance Race on Saturday but we were in the end penalize with 25s completely unfair and against the rules. The penalty was given because of a great overtake of my team mate. We went from first to fifth.
The race director considered that my team mate touch the other car and it was exactly the opposite. Unfortunately the appeals were not accepted. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS????? There is videos. It was alive on the television?
Is racing becoming like Futebol???????

Well. Today on my sprint race I started third and end third. At least a podium.
See you next race in Monza for the GT Open Race



 Marc VDS Racing Team





publicado por dinis às 20:32
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